
This is a note covering things that do not work well in the system right now.

Type System

Currently, we hard code decimal type to have 15, 2 precision. Type inferences should be done in the schema property inference.


optd supports exploring SQL expressions in the optimization process. However, this might be super inefficient as optimizing a plan node (i.e., join to hash join) usually needs the full binding of an expression tree. This could have exponential plan space and is super inefficient.


We do not have something like a binding iterator as in the Cascades paper. Before applying a rule, we will generate all bindings of a group, which might take a lot of memory. This should be fixed in the future.

Cycle Detection + DAG

Consider the case for join commute rule.

(Join A B) <- group 1
(Projection (Join B A) <expressions list>) <- group 2
(Projection (Projection (Join A B) <expressions list>) <expressions list>) <- group 1 may refer itself

After applying the rule twice, the memo table will have self-referential groups. Currently, we detect such self-referential things in optimize group task. Probably there will be better ways to do that.

The same applies to DAG / Recursive CTEs -- we did not test if the framework works with DAG but in theory it should support it. We just need to ensure a node in DAG does not get searched twice.


For DAG, another challenge is to recover the reusable fragments from the optimizer output. The optimizer can give you a DAG output but by iterating through the plan, you cannot know which parts can be reused/materialized. Therefore, we might need to produce some extra information with the plan node output. i.e., a graph-representation with metadata of each node, instead of RelNode. This also helps the process of inserting the physical collector plan nodes, which is currently a little bit hacky in the implementation.

Memo Table

Obviously, it is not efficient to simply store a mapping from RelNode to the expression id. Cannot imagine how many levels of depths will it require to compute a hash of a tree structure.

Partial Exploration

Each iteration will only be slower because we have to invoke the optimize group tasks before we can find a group to apply the rule. Probably we can keep the task stack across runs to make it faster.

Physical Property + Enforcer Rules

A major missing feature in the optimizer. Need this to support shuffling and sort optimizations.


Currently, we have implemented the pruning condition as in the paper, but we did not actually enable it.